Monday, December 19, 2011

Me.....a blogger? Who'd of thunk it!!!

There are quite a few bloggers in the LVAD community so I thought, what the heck, I may as well jump on the bandwagon and give it a try!!  While we were in the hospital I had a little 4" spiral memo pad that I kept notes on , I won't transfer all of that over but it is nice to have it as a reference and I am glad I have it.

I'll start out with a little of our background!  Todd and I started dating wayyyy back in high school and were married a couple of years later.  We will be celebrating our 34th wedding anniversary this spring!! Todd is a project manager that works mostly with the automotive industry and I work in a daycare.  Both of us are not working at this time...Todd has not been given the" all clear" yet and I am his caregiver , since he can't be left alone I haven't gone back to work either.

We are the proud parents of three wonderful children with the added bonus of 3 Grandchildren and one on the way!!! David and his wife Liz, have two adorable daughters, Emma, 5 and Madeleine, 3...they live about 3 minutes away! Our son, Zac, is next, he is about 15 minutes from us and then we have Ali and her husband, Brandon who have Hunter, 16 months, and a baby due in the spring...they might be 4 minutes away from us if the traffic is good!! So, we are very blessed to have our children nearby!

Up until Todd's heart attack we were just your average family...we were super active, hiking, swimming, kayaking ...never taking any medication at all.  Then this hit and BAM...everything totally changed!! We are try to get used to the adjustments and the lifestyle change and slowly getting the hang of it...or I should say once I feel like we are, something new challenges us !!

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