Wednesday, December 21, 2011


So glad to be home after another doctor visit down in Ann Arbor this morning.  Todd had an appointment with his Physical Rehabilitation doctor.  It wasn't at the hospital where all of our other visits have been , which also happens to be the ONLY place I know how to get to in Ann Arbor, so I was a wreck!!  The problem is is that I hate to drive more than anything!!  Todd has always driven everywhere, I am a horrible, nervous driver and am terrible at directions too!!  To top things off it was foggy this morning and pouring down rain on our way home, but we made it!!!  I don't know why I can't just be one of those relaxed drivers and enjoy it, but I'm not, maybe by the time we are through with all of these appointments I will be!! The one thing I am very thankful for is that it is only about a 40 minute drive, which I used to think was a long drive, now that I am hearing that people drive hours to get to their appointments I have no right to complain!!

I got home and made myself a nice, hot cup of coffee and Todd is napping. We are taking dinner out to my Mom, who is battling cancer.  She is 84 years old and she is a is getting to the point where we have to help her out a little more and maybe even getting to the time where we have to have someone come in to help us out, but for now my sisters and I are taking turns and trying to come up with the best solution for her.
Our daughter, Ali, me and my Mom....see...doesn't she look great!!! Looking forward to making her dinner tonight and HAPPY that we don't have another appointment for about a month!!!

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