Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Driveline Infection...

Getting a driveline infection is a huge concern for an LVAD is something you do not want to get.  I have been so careful with Todd's daily dressing changes and became concerned when I saw this little crusty build up around the site.  It wasn't inflamed, smelly, hot and there was no drainage...all things they tell you to look for, but it still didn't look quite right. Our VAD coordinators always said to let them know right away if we had any questions so we took a picture and sent it right away...almost immediately we got a response from Kevin saying it looked good and it was all part of the healing process and NOT to pick at it, make sure we rinsed it well and keep doing what we are doing.  Whew...we were relieved, we definitely did not want to go down that road.  The amazing thing is that our VAD coordinators and Doctors are so awesome at the University of Michigan, they take the time to get right back with you and actually care about their patients...we have been so pleased to be involved with this hospital that we cannot say enough great things about them!!!!  Please don't hesitate to call your coordinators if you think that there is a problem, they are there to help you!!! 

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